
Thursday, October 5, 2017

10 Self-Care Tips

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that healing yourself is not important. We all struggle but very few of us actually take the time to heal. Tbh, it seems that taking the time to heal yourself and practice some self-care is frowned upon and most people don’t understand it. Being in college, a new mom, and simply trying to take over the world is stressful. So, I am going to share my 10 favorite ways I practice self-care and maybe you will see something that works for you


This sounds simple enough, right? If you are anything like me resting is one of the hardest things to do; simply because you have SO much to do. Being a human adult is very demanding. People always want or need you to do something. But dedicating a day to just lay in bed and rest your mind, soul, and body is very beneficial. I like to try to do this on Sundays to prepare myself for the week. I make huge effort to try not to make a to-do list. If you know me that is very hard to do.

2.   Meditate

Meditating seems to be very trendy right now. I honestly wonder how many people actually partake in meditating sessions each week? Hmm. Anyways, meditation is very important as well. This is a time where you can truly bring yourself into the NOW and focus on the thoughts you are hearing and the way your body feels. Meditating for at least 5 minutes a day will bring so much clarity into your life. It will also raise your vibration. Meditation is a good time to let go of any and everything and put yourself more in tune with your higher power. It’s great. Try it.

3. Exercise

When I say this, I do not necessarily mean a hard-core workout. If you could at least go on a 30-minute walk or jog, you will feel amazing. For me personally, working out puts me into somewhat of a meditative state. I get so caught up in my workout, I forget of all my life struggles. Also, getting out and exercising will allow you to intake some natural vitamin D. Today many people are indoors for most if not all of their day. Depression is said to be linked to a lack of vitamin D, so this a great way to boost that up naturally. Along with all of that, you will more than likely start to see positive changes in your body. Seeing those changes can make you feel better about yourself which will lead to more positive thoughts and raise your vibration. So, get out there and prosper.

4. Tidy up

GET RID OF STUFF YOU DO NOT NEED. In America we equate a lot of our worth around the amount of STUFF that we have. Now, minimal living is not for everyone and that’s okay. But living in a tidy and organized place will help you gain clarity. Going through your clothes and getting rid of things that you have not worn in forever will help decrease anxiety when trying to get ready. Nice and clean surfaces can also provide you with a peace of mind. If you simply try to clean at least one thing a day you won’t have the added stress of needing to clean up. Everyone’s idea of clean is different so do not think you need to have a spotless space. Organize your things the way you like and see the transformation in your life.

5. Avoid triggers.

We all have those things, people, or places that just put us in a bad mood. Figure out what those triggers are and avoid them at all cost. That’s it.

6.  Unplug.

In today’s world unplugging seems like an impossible task. This is something sooooo worth it though. We spend NUMEROUS hours on our phones or other devices. We all have gotten so good at multitasking it is insane. The bad thing with this is that we are unable to focus on the now. We all spend so much time on our phones or devices that we miss out on all the cool things surrounding us. Taking in everything that is happening around you without hearing the annoying vibrate or notification ding is far more peaceful than you think. The time spent unplugged will also teach you a lot about yourself.

7. Find a hobby.

Now, I know hobbies seem to be a rich man thing. It does not have to though. You will notice once you unplug for a day, how much for free time that you truly have. Instead of looking at your phone when you wake up in the morning, read or write. Try painting for an hour or two before bed. The possibilities are endless.

8. Affirmations.

These things are the key to success. DJ Khaled gained a ton of popularity in the last year for the affirmations that he repeated daily on snapchat. Everyone was laughing and thought he sounded ridiculous but seriously they are major keys. “I am,” is an extremely powerful term. Why not take a few minutes out of your day to remind yourself how strong, intelligent, and beautiful you are?

9. Let go and forgive

This is one of the hardest things for me. Letting go of the past and moving forwards is a lot more difficult than it sounds. I have learned that by holding your resentments only hurts you. More than likely the person that you are upset with or over 1. Doesn’t even know that you are upset. 2. Probably does not even care that you are upset. Being angry or upset only blocks your blessings to bigger and better things. Learning to let go is something I am still learning how to do. Why lower your vibration and stop your blessings over the actions of others?

10. Remain grateful

Everything that is happening now is preparing you for everything that you have asked for. Make a list each day of 3 things that you are grateful for and watch and see how much better you feel. Instead of focusing on the bad this allows you to focus on the good. Again, this is a way to raise your vibration. There is so much more to be happy about than there is to be sad about. Remember life is nothing but a cycle. With the good comes bad, vice versa. Ying and yang. So, keep pushing and remain strong because this too shall pass.

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