
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Monogamy? What is that?

*ques Ctrl to play in the background*

Why does it seem that monogamy is a thing of the past? Tbh, I think out of 22 years of my life I have been in ONE relationship where there was not another female involved in some way, shape, or form. Even in that one relationship, I am not entirely sure but I’m afraid to ask because we are still good friends to this day and I hate to dislike him.

Why is it nearly impossible for a guy to be honest about his intentions? From my experience, there is ALWAYS that one female who never goes away. They will say they are just “friends” and have been friends forever *rolls eyes*. It’s funny how that “friend” always ends up proving to be more than just a friend in the end. If you all are anything like me, you try to trust people, ya know? You like this person, they seem to be everything that you could ever want so if they say they’re just friends why not believe them? He has run a good game saying how he will never hurt you blah, blah, blah. If you bring up his “friend” he will often tell you that you are crazy, etc.

Girl, do not feel crazy. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO PROTECT YOURSELF. Ask those questions, be nosey, and pay attention. There is nothing worse than finding out that you’ve been sitting back sort of condoning a relationship because you trusted someone. I learned this the hard way.

However, do not drive yourself crazy looking for stuff. Do not go through phones. Do not constantly check to see whose photos he is liking on Instagram. If you have to do all of that, the relationship is not worth it. If this guy is serious about you, he will make sure that you have no worries. There won’t be another woman threatening your spot in his life. Also, if you express to him your feelings about said other woman, he will fix the problem. It’s that simple.

Unfortunately, as a twenty-something I am pretty sure we all have been someone’s 9-5 or weekend whether we knew about it or not. I see so many young woman basing their worth off the way that a trash dude treated them. Instead of sitting and wondering why he did this to you or how he could do this to you, level up. No matter how many times you ask him those questions, you will probably never get an answer. If you do get an answer, it won’t be a genuine one.

Guys truly do not know why they do the things that they do. They live for instant gratification. Think about it like this, have you ever seen a child play with just one toy unless they ABSOUTLEY have to? Children are typically surrounded by toys. They get bored with one and jump to the next and then back to the first one they had.

As women, we have to know how to differentiate a man from a boy. We also must know our own worth. You can’t expect a man to treat you like a queen if you don’t believe that you are queen yourself. Make your worth known from the beginning. Let him know you will not be a 9-5 or the weekend. You are all or nothing. Do not be afraid to state your worth and never settle. 

One false perception that our society carries is that we only have one soulmate. That is not true. We have multiple soulmates. Love is hard. Love is a choice. Love hurts. True love can prosper through anything. When you truly love someone, you love them for everything they are and are not. Do not get discourage when the man you thought you’d marry proves to be everything you did not want. He was there to teach you a lesson. Do not attach yourself to the person that you are losing. Instead remain grateful and appreciate the lessons that you learned. Know that in due time the perfect man will find you. You should never have to look for love. Let it find you. While you are waiting, focus on you. Go to the gym, read, drink your water, and enjoy your alone time.

Monday, September 25, 2017

A bad day does not equal a bad life

It’s 5 o’clock and I just brushed my teeth and showered……that should give you an indication about how today is going. I woke up this morning…. ACTUALLY..I went to bed knowing that today would be a difficult day. G was fighting sleep all night and today has been no different. She will sleep as long as I am close by or holding her but let me step away….she is screaming at the top of her lungs. I went to bed last night thinking about how badly I wish I did not have to go through this alone and that thought has not left my mind since. I am trying to get my life back in order aka going to the gym and trying to finish school. Those two-simple tasks seem nearly impossible these days…It’s frustrating…extremely frustrating. I feel like I am sitting around waiting for life to go back to “normal” but this is my new norm and it’s a lot different than I expected it to be.


I keep having to tell myself however, a bad day does not equal a bad life. Today is just a bad day but I do not have a bad life. As much as I wish I had someone to partake in the late-night feedings, I can’t help but think how much stronger of a person I am becoming. I am learning patience, something I did not have much of before G. I was so frustrated last night and throughout the day when she refused to let me put her down but I had to remind myself to appreciate this moment because here soon she is going to be a big girl who wants nothing to do with her Mommy. Time management is also something that I am having to learn. Sure, I have always been a planner but being on baby time is a whole new ball game. I appreciate my days and all the task that I can complete, even if it isn’t all of them. As much as I want to sit in a corner and cry about how much life sucks, I must remind myself how much it does not.

Being a mom, college student, employee, or simply a human being is hard af. We have all these desires and wishes that we feel frustrated when we don’t have them or if they seem too far out of reach. We come with all these emotions that we don’t necessarily know how to deal with all the time. On top of it all, we have responsibilities and obligations. While my situation may not be yours, I understand that we all have our bad days. I guess the point I want to make is don’t let a bad day get you down. Know that you are in control. We choose how our days go because we choose how we react to our situations. Sitting and dwelling on all the wrong that is happening is not going to make your day any better. So again, a bad day does not equal a bad life. Whatever you are going through, know that you will get through it. You honestly don’t have a choice but you do have a say in how you feel going through it. I am sending positive vibes and much love…

P.S. I have received a lot of messages from people seeking advice or just simply needing to talk. I appreciate people trusting in me enough to help them through a rough time. I apologize if I take a while to get back to some of you. Life with an infant keeps me quite busy and things tend to slip my mind. Messaging me on social media sites is a good way to reach me but if you want to ensure you get a response, email me at

Twitter: @kaleb_mcafee
Instagram: @kaleb_mcafee

Snapchat: @kmactheg

Monday, September 11, 2017

Typical Day

Grab screaming baby
Feed baby
30 Minutes later
Change Diaper 
She's still crying
Try to go back to sleep
Jk, she's up again
Plan out day