
Friday, May 5, 2017

Is Life Really That Bad?

If you read my last blog post, you would see that I planned to start posting more throughout the week. Along with my weekly blog post(those go up on Tuesdays) I will be posting two or more post. This is my first attempt to do so and it is MUCH needed.

One thing that we as humans are good at is focusing on the bad and negative. It is raining terribly and I don't feel to well, so complain seemed really easy today. I had to stop myself and really think is life really this bad? What I really want anyone reading this post to do today, tomorrow, and basically for the rest of your days on our beautiful planet is.......make a list of at least 10 things you are happy for throughout your day or at least do it at night before you rest. This activity will allow self-growth and hopefully stop us all from throwing pity parties for ourselves and really life really that bad?

1. My baby. Obviously this is a given. She is my entire world and I am so grateful for her. She is my miracle baby and reminds me everyday why I am on this wonderful planet. She gives me a purpose. 

2. Mocha Java Chip fraps from Starbucks. I woke up really craving chocolate but I felt terrible contemplating eating ice cream this morning. I know Starbucks isn't much better but it has coffee so its sorta breakfast-isa right? 

3. The cafe guy at work. He ALWAYS makes sure to speak to me every morning I walk into work and really sets on the right path to a great day because his energy is always so high. No matter if he is drenched in sweat or looks like he's about to fall over from being tired he is always so happy and shares his energy. 

4. Writing. It really is my therapy.

5. Ms. Princess Livy. Though she is the most annoying cat sometimes, she makes my life a lot better because every morning/evening she is always down to snuggle. 

6. My Grandma Linda. She is always sharing her love to everyone on Facebook daily. Pretty much every morning I wake up I have a notification from her and it makes me happy. 

7. My confidence. Not just in a I look pretty way but in a I love myself way. I feel more confident than ever. I don't care who judges me at this point because I know I love myself enough to not care. We all have our flaws and I happily embrace mine and I'm committed to being a better me. 

8. Growth. I have grow so much as a person and I see it in myself everyday....I have budget book....who am I?

9. Chewing gum. It's simple, but if it did not exist I honestly don't believe that I would have any hair.

10. My friend Kieshauna. I just met her at the end of January and she has proven to be such a great friend. She has been here for me through everything. She is very supportive and kinda keeps me focused on what I need to doing/accomplishing. 

I really hope you all take the time to really sit and reflect on the things you are grateful throughout the day. I feel like it has been extremely helpful to me and has really boosted my frequency in the universe. We paint our own life stories. Why paint a bad one? If you want a great, positive, and happy life all you have to do is focus on the great, positive, and happy things. It's easier said than done but try to find the good in every situation. Happy day to you all. 

Follow me
Twitter: KmacTheG
Instagram: KmacTheG
I also make YouTube videos. Go check out my most recent vlog of me dying in D.C. this past weekend.

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