
Monday, June 5, 2017

Claim it. Own it.

Day 3: Something I always think "what if" about

As I stated in my 10 facts about me post, I am a huge dreamer. I use to wonder "what if" about a lot of things. One of my main goals here lately is to not wonder "what if," it doesn't allow you to live in the present moment. By thinking about the "what if" you are either thinking about past situations or thinking in the future, neither are beneficial. 

For this post, I suppose I can partake in the "what if" thinking for a brief moment. I used to wonder "what if" about traveling a lot. Like "what if I just quit my job, pack up my stuff and head to the airport?" I obviously never did it due to fear of failing or getting stuck in another country because I ran out of money and couldn't afford a plane ticket back. 

I really wish that I would have did that before I got pregnant. I believe that if I would have submitted to that "what if" thought I would be a completely different person and truly would be in touch with who I really am. I have always dreamed of traveling the world and always would sit and wonder the "what ifs" around it. The fact that this desire is so strong inside of me shows that it is one of my main purposes in life. 

As I said in my previous post, I'm planning to start traveling in the next year. I know most of you are wondering "How are you going to do that when you just had a baby?" "Babies are expensive.." blah blah blah. If that is what you are saying or thinking, please just don't talk to me....honestly. I am tired of sitting around and wondering "what if" I do this and "what if" I do that. I am going to travel the world no more ifs, ands, or buts. People fail to realize children are not setbacks, if anything they are motivation to get you where you need to go and want to be. 

So, instead of wondering or having any "what ifs" about life, I am claiming everything that I want. There is no "what if I travel the world, what will it be like?" It is "I am going to travel the world and it is going to be amazing." I believe the universe (some of you call it god) provides you with everything you need in the exact moment that you need it. Say I do get stuck in another country for a few extra days, there is a reason for that. There were more things that the universe felt that I should see. I am currently trying to enjoy the present moment and live for today. I am learning to apperciate the little things in life like the simple sound of my breathing. But yeah, that's one thing I used to wonder "what if" about. Wondering "what if" can drive you mad, but it is definitely a habit most people have a hard time of breaking but it's not impossible. 

Hope everyone has an amazing start to their week. I will have two post up tomorrow so stay tuned (Week 29 and Day 4 of my June challenge)

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