
Friday, April 7, 2017

Week 21

HELLO!!! I am so excited to be writing this blog post today. I am saying good bye to 21 weeks and hello to 22 weeks pregnant! Super exciting but I am also terrified at how fast time is going by. This style of blog is basically going to re-cap my previous week. I will talk about different cravings, mood, and life in general; just to help y'all understand what to expect.

SOOOO, let's get to talking. 

This week has been pretty long for me. Week 20 was exhausting and I feel like I am still playing catch up on sleep. I was actually extremely shocked when I realized that I was heading to week 22 and not week 21. I may or may not have had a mini freak out and dropped a few tears. I really wish I would have started this blog sooner so that I could have shared all of the different emotions that I have felt throughout this pregnancy.

I feel like I just found out I was pregnant but at the same time that seems like it was so long ago. At times, I was forgetting that I was pregnant because I didn't have any symptoms and wasn't showing at all. BUT, that has changed quite a bit over the last week. I swear to you, I went to sleep one night and woke up the next morning with a bump! I had bittersweet feelings with this because I have been dying to have one but I have felt so uncomfortable throughout the week. My belly just feels weird, I know its due to the baby growing but it just feels really tight. I am at the point as well, where I can't really sleep on my stomach anymore with out it hurting. Shoot me. Along with my stomach feeling weird, this lower back pain has been NO JOKE! I know a lot of it is due to me not stretching or working out as I should. I have found that when I do small workouts or simply stretch a little it alleviates the pain. At my job, they have the huge exercise balls that we can sit on throughout our shifts. Since I have been lazy, I have made an effort to sit on this ball and either bounce or stretch for at least an hour out of my day.

My mood has been pretty steady throughout this week. I am feeling A LOT happier compared to the last few months. Things seem to finally be falling back into place for me. My life doesn't seem to be tooooo in shambles but I don't want to jinks myself. I have just been very very sleepy this week. I look forward to relaxing and getting some sleep this weekend.

Cravings. Lordy. These cravings of mine are out of this world. I have been stuck on burgers ALL week. This is really strange for me because I stopped eating red meat last year and fast food almost two years ago (except subway). Burgers have always creeped me out and I never was a fan of them growing up but I can't stop eating them. It kind of makes me feel bad that I have eaten them so frequently this week. Along with the burgers, chips and sweets are next on the list. I kind of feel like I crave it all.

This has been a great week. I think with a little more sleep, next week will be even better. I am looking forward to watching my belly grow and I am watching anxiously to see Baby KS (her nickname since she doesn't have a name yet) kick for the first time! We are painting the nursery this weekend and plan on getting her crib all together hopefully in the next week as well. Though things feel like they are coming together, I still have mini panic attacks daily because I feel like I am sooo under prepared. I know everything will be okay. Baby KS is already so loved and SPOILED!!!! I am beyond thankful to be able to share this journey and look forward to writing about it.

Feel free to contact me at with any questions or concerns.  

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